
(Link to IVI lab publications with undergraduates as authors)

Google scholar profile for Kobus Barnard

Link to rough bibtex and out of date file for many of these papers

Link to rough and out of date Endnote(TM) file for many of these papers


Mohammad Reza Ehsani, Ariyan Zarei, Hoshin V. Gupta, Kobus Barnard, Eric Lyons, Ali Behrangi, “NowCasting-nets: Representation Learning to Mitigate Latency Gap of Satellite Precipitation Products using Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), Volume 60, 2022.

Ariyan Zarei, Emmanuel Gonzalez, Nirav Merchant, Duke Pauli, Eric Lyons, and Kobus Barnard, “MegaStitch: Robust Large Scale Image Stitching,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), Volume 60, 2022.

Yu-Jing Qin, Ann Zabludoff, Marina Kisley, Yuantian Liu, Iair Arcavi, Kobus Barnard, Peter Behroozi, K. Decker French, Curtis McCully, and Nirav Merchant “Linking Extragalactic Transients and their Host Galaxy Properties: Transient Sample, Multi-Wavelength Host Identification, and Database Construction,” accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplement (ApJS), 2021. [ Preprint ]

Paulo Soares, Adarsh Pyarelal, Kobus Barnard, “Probabilistic Modeling of Human Intents and Beliefs to Predict Actions Under False Belief,” AAAI 2021 Fall Symposium on Computational Theory of Mind for Human-Machine Teams.

Adarsh Pyarelal, Aditya Banerjee and Kobus Barnard, “Modular Procedural Generation for Voxel Maps,” AAAI 2021 Fall Symposium on Computational Theory of Mind for Human-Machine Teams. [ On arXiv ]

Yimian Dai, Fabian Gieseke, Stefan Oehmcke, Yiquan Wu, and Kobus Barnard. “Attentional Feature Fusion,” Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) January 2021.

Yimian Dai, Yiquan Wu, Fei Zhou, and Kobus Barnard, “Asymmetric Contextual Modulation for Infrared Small Target Detection,” Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) January 2021.

Yimian Dai, Yiquan Wu, Fei Zhou, and Kobus Barnard, “Attentional Local Contrast Networks for Infrared Small Target Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), Volume: 59, Issue: 11, Nov 2021.


Steven Morad, Jeremy Nash, Shoya Higa, Russell G Smith, Aaron Parness, and Kobus Barnard, “Improving Visual Feature Extraction in Glacial Environments,” IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Paris, France, 2020.

Yimian Dai, Stefan Oehmcke, Fabian Gieseke, Yiquan Wu, and Kobus Barnard, “Attention As Activation,” International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2020. [  Oral  ]


Steven Morad, Jeremy Nash, Shoya Higa, Russell G Smith, Aaron Parness, Kobus Barnard, “Improving Visual Feature Extraction in Glacial Environments,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2019, to appear. [ Preprint ]

Basavaraj, Chinmai, Martin Reimann, Kobus Barnard, and Michael I. Norton (2019), “Predicting experiential (vs. monetary) risk preferences from consumers' memory: A behavioral and neuroimaging experiment,” Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 17-20, 2019.

Anas Katib, Praveen Rao, Kobus Barnard, Charles Kamhoua, “Fast Approximate Score Computation on Large-Scale Distributed Data for Learning Multinomial Bayesian Networks,” ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2019. [ Preprint ]

Jianbo Shao, Junchao Zhang, Xiao Huang, Rongguang Liang, and Kobus Barnard, “Fiber bundle imaging resolution enhancement using deep learning,” Optics Express, to appear.

Emily Butler and Kobus Barnard, “Quantifying Interpersonal Dynamics for the Study of Socio-Emotional Processes and Health,” Psychosomatic Medicine, 2019, in press.

Adarsh Pyarelal, Rebecca Sharp, Clayton Morrison, and Kobus Barnard, “Interpreting causal expressions with gradable adjectives to assemble dynamics models,” Modeling the World's Systems, 2019.

Rebecca Sharp, Adarsh Pyarelal, Benjamin Gyori, Keith Alcock, Egoitz Laparra, Marco A. Valenzuela-Escarcega, Ajay Nagesh, Vikas Yadav, John Bachman, Zheng Tang, Heather Lent, Fan Luo, Mithun Paul, Steven Bethard, Kobus Barnard, Clayton Morrison, and Mihai Surdeanu, “Eidos, INDRA, & Delphi: From Free Text to Executable Causal Models,” Modeling the World's Systems, 2019.

Jianbo Shao, Junchao Zhang, Xiao Huang, Rongguang Liang, and Kobus Barnard, “Fiber bundle image restoration using deep learning,” Opt. Lett. 44(5), 1080-1083 (2019). [  Selected as an Editor's pick  ]

Arun Zachariah, Monica Senapati, Anas Katib, Praveen Rao, Kobus Barnard, Charles Kamhoua, “A Gossip-Based System for Fast Approximate Score Computation in Multinomial Bayesian Networks,” ICDE Demo paper, 2019.


Ernesto Brau, Jinyan Gaun, Tanya Jeffries, and Kobus Barnard, “Multiple-gaze geometry: Inferring novel 3D locations from gazes observed in monocular video,” Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Munich, Germany, 2018. [ PDF ]

Rodrigo Savage, Leon F. Palafox, Clayton T. Morrison, Jeffrey J. Rodriguez, Kobus Barnard, Shane Byrne, and Christopher W. Hamilton, “A Bayesian Approach to Subkilometer Crater Shape Analysis Using Individual HiRISE Images,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018 [ Publisher online source ]

J. Shao, W.-C. Liao, R. Liang, and K. Barnard, “Resolution enhancement for fiber bundle imaging using maximum a posteriori estimation,” Optics Letters, vol. 43, pp. 1906-1909, 2018 [ Publisher online source ]


Butler, E. A., Guan, J., Predoehl, A., Brau, E., Simek, K., and Barnard, K. (in press), “Computational interpersonal emotion systems,” Invited chapter to appear in R. Vallacher, A. Nowak, & S. Read (Eds.), Computational Models in Social Psychology, Psychology Press, NY.

Praveen Rao, Anas Katib, Kobus Barnard, Charles Kamhoua, Kevin Kwiat, Laurent Njilla, “Scalable Score Computation for Learning Multinomial Bayesian Networks over Distributed Data,” AAAI Workshop on Distributed Machine Learning, 2017


Kyle Simek, Ravishankar Palanivelu, Kobus Barnard, “Branching Gaussian Processes with Applications to Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of 3D Trees,” ECCV 2016. [  Link to arXiv version  ]

Kobus Barnard, “Computational methods for integrating vision and language,” Synthesis Lectures on Computer Vision, April 2016, 227 pages, Morgan & Claypool (doi:10.2200/S00705ED1V01Y201602COV007) [ Publisher online source ]


Prasad Gabbur, James Hoying, Kobus Barnard, “Multimodal probabilistic generative models for time-course gene expression data and Gene Ontology (GO) tags,” Mathematical Biosciences, Volume 268, October 2015, Pages 80-91. [  Link to on-line paper  ]

Jinyan Guan, Kyle Simek, Ernesto Brau, Clayton Morrison, Emily Butler, and Kobus Barnard, “Moderated and Drifting Linear Dynamical Systems,” the International Conference in Machine Learning (ICML) 2015 [ PDF ]

Kyle Simek and Kobus Barnard, “Gaussian Process Shape Models for Bayesian Segmentation of Plant Leaves,” Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP), held in conjunction with BMVC 2015.

Rebecca Reed, Kobus Barnard, and Emily Butler, “Distinguishing emotional co-regulation from co-dysregulation: An investigation of emotional dynamics and body-weight in romantic couples,” Emotion, vol. 15(1), Feb 2015, 45-60.


Emily A Butler, James J Gross, and Kobus Barnard, “Testing the Effects of Suppression and Reappraisal on Emotional Concordance Using a Multivariate Multilevel Model,” Biological Psychology, Biological Psychology, 98, 6-18, 2014.

Butler, E. A., Guan, J., Reed, R. G., Barnard, K., “Computational temporal interpersonal emotion systems (CompTIES),” Society for Affective Science Conference, Washington, D.C., April 2014 (abstract only).

Guan, J., Reed, R. G., Morrison, C., Butler, E. A., Barnard, K, “Bayesian statistical modeling of temporal interpersonal emotion systems (TIES),” Dynamical Systems and Computational Modeling in Social Psychology pre-conference, Austin, Texas, February 2014 (abstract only).


Qiyam Tung, Maximiliano Korp, Chris Gniady, Alon Efrat, Kobus Barnard, “MobiSLIC: Content-aware Energy Saving for Educational Videos on Mobile Devices,” 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MOBIQUITOUS), 2013. [ PDF (preprint) ]

Ernesto Brau, Jinyan Guan, Kyle Simek, Luca del Pero, Colin Dawson, and Kobus Barnard, “Bayesian 3D tracking from monocular video,” Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013. [ PDF (preprint) ]

Emily A Butler, James J Gross, and Kobus Barnard, “Testing the Effects of Suppression and Reappraisal on Emotional Concordance Using a Multivariate Multilevel Model,” Biological Psychology (in press).

Andrew Predoehl, Scott Morris, and Kobus Barnard, “A Statistical Model for Recreational Trails in Aerial Images,” Proc. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013. [ PDF (preprint) ]

Luca Del Pero, Joshua Bowdish, Bonnie Kermgard, Emily Hartley, and Kobus Barnard, “Understanding Bayesian rooms using composite 3D object models,” Proc. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013. [ PDF (preprint) ]

Luca Del Pero and Kobus Barnard, “Bayesian inference of indoor scenes using composite object models,” Scene Undestanding Workshop, held in conjuction with the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013. [ PDF (preprint) ]. This paper is a summary of the above paper.

Luca Del Pero, Kobus Barnard, “Top-down Bayesian inference for indoor scenes,” in Advanced topics in Computer Vision edited by Giovanni Maria Farinella, Sebastiano Battiato and Roberto Cipolla, Springer, Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Series, pp. 277-311, 2013. [ PDF (preprint) ]

Robert Kraft, Allon Kahn, Jose L. Medina-Franco, Mikayla L. Orlowski, Cayla Baynes, Fabian López-Vallejo, Kobus Barnard, Gerald M. Maggiora, and Linda L. Restifo, A cell-based fascin bioassay for multi-purpose compound screening with potential anti-metastasis or cognition-enhancing functions, Disease Models & Mechanisms, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 217-235, 2013

R. T. Peralta, A. Rebguns, I. Fasel, and K. Barnard, “Learning a Policy for Gesture-Based Active Multi-touch Authentication,” Proc. 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), 2013 (to appear).

R. G. Reed, K. Barnard, and E. A. Butler, “Volatile interpersonal emotion dynamics in mixed-weight couples,” American Psychosomatic Society 71st Annual Scientific Meeting, Miami, Florida, 2013 (abstract only).

Colin R. Dawson, Luca Del Pero, Clayton T. Morrison, Mihai Surdeanu, Gustave Hahn-Powell, Zachary Chapman, and Kobus Barnard, “Bayesian modeling of scenes and captions,” conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT) Workshop on Vision and Language (WVL), 2013 (abstract/slides only).


Yekaterina Kharitonova, Qiyam Tung, Alexander Danehy, Alon Efrat, Kobus Barnard, “Client-side backprojection of presentation slides into educational video,” ACM MM 2012.     [ PDF (preprint) ]

L. del Pero, J. Bowdish, D. Fried, B. D. Kermgard, E. L. Hartely, and K. Barnard, “Bayesian geometric modeling of indoor scenes,” Proc. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 2719 - 2726, June 16-21, 2012.     [ PDF ]     [  Data  ]

Keiji Yanai, Hidetoshi Kawakubo, and Kobus Barnard, “Entropy-based Analysis of Visual Concepts,” in Multimedia Information Extraction (Mark Maybury ed.), pp 63-80, 2012.


Luca Del Pero, Jinyan Guan, Ernesto Brau, Joseph Schlecht, Kobus Barnard. “Sampling Bedrooms,” IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 2009-2016, June, 2011.     [ PDF ]     [  Data  ]     [  Software  ]

Ernesto Brau, Kobus Barnard, Ravi Palanivelu, Damayanthi Dunatunga, Tatsuya Tsukamoto, and Philip Lee, “A Generative Statistical Model for Tracking Multiple Smooth Trajectories,” IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 1137-1144, June, 2011.     [ PDF ]     [  Data  ]     [  Software  ]

Quanfu Fan, Kobus Barnard, Arnon Amir, and Alon Efrat, “Robust Spatio-temporal Matching of Electronic Slides to Presentation Videos,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol 20, Number 8, pp. 2315-2328, 2011.     [ PDF (pre-print) ]     [  Data  ]

Luca del Pero, James Magahern, Philip Lee, Emily Hartley, Ping Wang, Atul Kanaujia, Niels Haering, and Kobus Barnard, “Fusing object detection and region appearance for image-text alignment,” ACM Multimedia short paper, 2011.     [ PDF (pre-print) ]

Qiyam Tung, Ranjini Swaminathan, Alon Efrat, and Kobus Barnard, “Expanding the point---automatic enlargement of presentation video elements,” ACM Multimedia short paper, 2011.     [ PDF ]

Ekaterina H. Taralova, Joseph Schlecht, Kobus Barnard, and Barry M. Pryor, “Modeling and visualizing morphology in the fungus Alternaria,” Fungal Biology, Vol. 115, pp 1163-1173, 2011


Ranjini Swaminathan, Michael Thompson, Sandiway Fong, Alon Efrat, Arnon Amir, Kobus Barnard, “Improving and aligning speech with presentation slides,” ICPR 2010.     [ PDF ]

Keiji Yanai and Kobus Barnard, “Region-Based Automatic Web Image Selection,” Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR) 2010.

Alon Efrat, Arnon Amir, Kobus Barnard and Quanfu Fan, “Cross-modality Indexing, Browsing and Search of Distance Learning Media on the Web,” in eBook - Internet Multimedia Search and Mining (edited by Xian-Sheng Hua, Marcel Worring and Tat-Seng Chua), 2010.     [ PDF ]


Joseph Schlecht and Kobus Barnard, “Learning models of object structure,” NIPS 2009. [ PDF ]

Quanfu Fan, Kobus Barnard, Arnon Amir, and Alon Efrat, “Accurate Alignment of Presentation Slides with Educational Video,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), 2009.    [ PDF ]

Andrew Winslow, Qiyam Tung, Quanfu Fan, Juhani Torkkola, Ranjini Swaminathan, Kobus Barnard, Arnon Amir, Alon Efrat, and Chris Gniady, “Studying On The Move - Enriched Presentation Video For Mobile Devices,” 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Video Delivery (MoViD), in conjunction with INFOCOM, April 24, 2009.    [ PDF ]

Prasad Gabbur, Hong Hua, and Kobus Barnard, “A fast connected components labeling algorithm and its application to real-time pupil detection,”   Machine Vision and Applications 2009, in Press.    [  link to the online version at MVA ]


Scott Morris, Kobus Barnard, “Finding Trails,” IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June, 2008.    [ PDF ]

Schlecht, J., Kaplan, M., Barnard, K., Karafet, T., Hammer, M., Merchant, N., “Machine Learning Approaches for Classifying Haplogroup from Y Chromosome STR Data,” PLoS Computational Biology, 4(6), 2008.

Ekaterina Spriggs, Joseph Schlecht, Kobus Barnard, and Barry Pryor, “Modeling and Visualization of Alternaria,” The American Phytopathological Society (APS) Centennial Meeting, 2008 (abstract only).

Kobus Barnard, Quanfu Fan, Ranjini Swaminathan, Anthony Hoogs, Roderic Collins, Pascale Rondot, John Kaufhold, “Evaluation of localized semantics: data, methodology, and experiments,” International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 77, pp 199-217, 2008.    [ PDF ]


Joseph Schlecht, Kobus Barnard, Ekaterina Spriggs, and Barry Pryor, “Inferring Grammar-based Structure Models in 3D Microscopy Data,” IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June, 2007.       [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard and Quanfu Fan, “Reducing correspondence ambiguity in loosely labeled training data,” IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June, 2007.       [ PDF ]

Quanfu Fan, Arnon Amir, Kobus Barnard, Ranjini Swaminathan, Alon Efrat, “Temporal modeling of slide change in presentation videos,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2007.       [ PDF ]

Valentin Polishchuk, Esther Arkin, Boris Aronov, Kobus Barnard, Kevin Coogan, Alon Efrat, and Joseph Mitchell,” “On Matching Robustness and Geometric Stable Marriage, KyotoCGGT2007.

Ekaterina Spriggs, Emily Butler, Kobus Barnard, Frank H. Wilhelm, James J. Gross, “Predicting emotional experience from autonomic physiology using machine learning methods,” 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), October 17-21 (abstract only).

Ekaterina Spriggs, Joseph Schlecht, Kobus Barnard, and Barry Pryor, Modeling complex 3-dimensional structure in Alternaria and applications to morphometric analysis, the Annual Meeting of the Mycologicial Society of America, 2007 (abstract only)

Keiji Yanai and Kobus Barnard: An Analysis of 'Visualness' of Word Concepts, IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Image Media, Vol.48, No.SIG1(CVIM17) (2007/02) (in Japanese)    


Kobus Barnard, Keiji Yanai, Matthew Johnson, and Prasad Gabbur, “Cross modal disambiguation,” in Toward Category-Level Object Recognition, Jean Ponce, Martial Hebert, Cordelia Schmidt, eds., Springer-Verlag LNCS Vol. 4170, pp 225-244, 2006.       [ PDF ]

Quanfu Fan, Kobus Barnard, Arnon Amir, Alon Efrat, and Ming Lin. “Matching Slides To Presentation Videos Using SIFT and Scene Background Matching,” 8th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR) , Santa Barbara, October 26-27. 2006.       [ PDF ]

Kraft R, Escobar MM, Narro ML, Kurtis JL, Efrat A, Barnard K, Restifo LL. Phenotypes of Drosophila brain neurons in primary culture reveal a role for fascin in neurite shape and trajectory. J. Neuroscience, 26:8734-8747 Sep 2006.

Joseph Schlecht, Kobus Barnard, Barry Pryor, “Statistical Inference of Biological Structure and Point Spread Functions in 3D Microscopy,” Third International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, June 2006.       [ PDF ]

Keiji Yanai and Kobus Barnard, “Finding Visual Concept by Web Image Mining,” Proc. of the Fifteenth International World Wide Web Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2006.

Ramanan, D., Forsyth, D. A., Barnard, K., “Building Models of Animals from Video,” Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 28, Number 8, pp. 1319-1334, 2006.

Kobus Barnard and Keiji Yanai, “Mutual information of words and pictures,” Information Theory and Applications Inaugural Workshop, February 6-10, 2006.    [ PDF ]

K. Barnard, A. Connolly, L. Denneau, A. Efrat, T. Grav, J. N. Heasley, R. Jedicke, J. M. Kubica, B. Moon, S. Morris, P. Rao, “The LSST moving object pipeline,” Observatory operations: strategies, processes, and systems, proceedings of SPIE Vol. #6270, 2006.       [ PDF ]

J. Kubica, T. Axelrod, K. Barnard, A. Connolly, L. Denneau, A. Efrat, J. Heasley, R. Jedicke, B. Moon, A. Moore, S. Morris, P. Rao, “Efficiently Tracking Moving Sources in the LSST,” The 207th meeting of the American Astronomical Association, 2006.


Scott Morris, Randy Gimblett and Kobus Barnard, “Probabilistic Travel Modeling using GPS Data,” International Congress on Simulation and Modeling, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 2005.    [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Quanfu Fan, Ranjini Swaminathan, Anthony Hoogs, Roderic Collins, Pascale Rondot, John Kaufhold, “Evaluation of localized semantics: data, methodology, and experiments,” University of Arizona, Computing Science, Technical Report, TR-05-08, 2005 (revised October 2006).    [ PDF ]

Keiji Yanai and Kobus Barnard, “Image Region Entropy: A Measure of 'Visualness' of Web Images Associated with One Concept,” Proc. of ACM Multimedia, Singapore, November, 2005.    [ PDF ]

Keiji Yanai and Kobus Barnard, “Probabilistic Web Image Gathering,” Proc. of ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR), Singapore, November, 2005.    [ PDF ]

Keiji Yanai, Nikhil V. Shirahatti, Prasad Gabbur and Kobus Barnard, “Evaluation Strategies for Image Understanding and Retrieval,” Proc. of ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR), Singapore, November, 2005 (Invited paper).    [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard and Matthew Johnson, “Word Sense Disambiguation with Pictures,” Artificial Intelligence, Volume 167, pp. 13-30, 2005.    [ PDF ]

Nikhil V Shirahatti and Kobus Barnard, “Evaluating Image Retrieval,”   Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (CVPR), San Diego, CA, pp. I:955-961, June 2005.    [ PDF ]

Ramanan, D., Forsyth, D. A., Barnard, K. “Detecting, Localizing, and Recovering Kinematics of Textured Animals,” Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), San Diego, CA, pp II:635-642, June 2005.    [ PDF ]

Deok-Hwan Kim, Chin-Wan Chung, and Kobus Barnard, “Relevance Feedback Using Adaptive Clustering for Image Similarity Retrieval,” Journal of Software Systems and Software, Volume 78, Issue 1, October 2005, Pages 9-23.


Scott Morris, Alan Morris, and Kobus Barnard, “Digital Trail Libraries,”   Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2004.    [ PDF ]

Peter Carbonetto, Nando de Freitas, and Kobus Barnard, “,” A Statistical Model for General Contextual Object Recognition,”   European Conference on Computer Vision, 2004.   (Copyright Springer-Verlag. Published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science)    [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Pinar Duygulu, and David Forsyth, “Exploiting Text and Image Feature Co-occurrence Statistics in Large Datasets,”   to appear as a chapter in Trends and Advances in Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval (tentative title).    [ PDF ]


Kobus Barnard and Prasad Gabbur, “Color and Color Constancy in a Translation Model for Object Recognition,”   Eleventh Color Imaging Conference, pp 364-369.    [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Matthew Johnson, and David Forsyth, “Word sense disambiguation with pictures,” Workshop on learning word meaning from non-linguistic data held in conjunction with The Human Language Technology Conference, Edmonton, Canada, May 27-June 1, 2003.    [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Pinar Duygulu, Raghavendra Guru, Prasad Gabbur, and David Forsyth, “The effects of segmentation and feature choice in a translation model of object recognition,” , Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp II: 675-682, 2003.    [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Pinar Duygulu, Nando de Freitas, David Forsyth, David Blei, and Michael I. Jordan, “Matching Words and Pictures,” Journal of Machine Learning Research, Vol 3, pp 1107-1135, 2003.    [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard and Nikhil V. Shirahatti, “ A method for comparing content based image retrieval methods,” Internet Imaging IX, Electronic Imaging 2003.    [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Pinar Duygulu, and David Forsyth, “ Recognition as Translating Images into Text,” Internet Imaging IX, Electronic Imaging 2003 (Invited paper).    [ PDF ]


Pinar Duygulu, Kobus Barnard, Nando de Freitas, and David Forsyth “ Object recognition as machine translation: Learning a lexicon for a fixed image vocabulary,” Seventh European Conference on Computer Vision, pp IV:97-112, 2002 (Awarded best paper in cognitive computer vision).    [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Pinar Duygulu, Nando de Freitas, and David Forsyth “ Object Recognition as Machine Translation - Part 2: Exploiting Image Database Clustering Models,” ,” unpublished manuscript, 2002. [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Lindsay Martin, and Adam Coath, Brian Funt, “ A comparison of color constancy algorithms. Part Two. Experiments with Image Data,” IEEE Transactions in Image Processing, Vol. 11. No. 9. pp. 985-996, 2002.    [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Vlad Cardei, and Brian Funt, “ A Comparison of Computational Color Constancy Algorithms; Part One: Methodology and Experiments with Synthesized Data, IEEE Transactions in Image Processing, Vol. 11, No. 9, pp. 972-984, 2002. [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Lindsay Martin, Brian Funt, and Adam Coath, “ A Data Set for Color Research,” Color Research and Application, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 148-152, 2002.    [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard and Brian Funt, “ Camera characterization for color research,” Color Research and Application, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 153-164, 2002. [ PDF ]

Vlad Cardei, Brian Funt, and Kobus Barnard, “Estimating the Scene Illumination Chromaticity using a Neural Network,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 19 Issue 12 Page 2374 (December 2002)

Nando de Freitas, Kobus Barnard, Pinar Duygulu and David Forsyth. Bayesian Models for Massive Multimedia Databases: a New Frontier. 7th Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics/2002 ISBA International Meeting, June 2nd - June 6th, 2002, Spain.

Kobus Barnard, Pinar Duygulu, and David Forsyth, “ Modeling the Statistics of Image Features and Associated Text,” Document Recognition and Retrieval IX, Electronic Imaging 2002 (Invited paper).     [ PDF ]

Georgina Kwei, Kobus Barnard and Brian Funt, “Spotting Colours,” in Colour Imaging Science--exploiting digital media, pp. 153-162, Lindsay W. MacDonald and M. Ronnier Luo, eds., John Wiley & Sons, 2002.


Kobus Barnard, Pinar Duygulu, and David Forsyth “ Clustering Art,” Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. II:435-439, 2001. [ PDF ]

Nando de Freitas and Kobus Barnard, “Bayesian Latent Semantic Analysis of Multimedia Databases,” UBC TR 2001-15.

Kobus Barnard and David Forsyth “Learning the Semantics of Words and Pictures,” International Conference on Computer Vision, vol 2, pp. 408-415, 2001. [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard and David Forsyth Exploiting Image Semantics for Picture Libraries, The First ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2001, page 469.

Kobus Barnard, Florian Ciurea, and Brian Funt, “Sensor Sharpening for Computational Colour Constancy ,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol 18, No. 11, Nov. 2001, pp. 2728-2743.     [ PDF ]


Kobus Barnard and Graham Finlayson, “Shadow Identification using Colour Ratios, Proceedings of the IS&T/SID Eighth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, pp. 97-101, 2000.     [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Brian Funt, and Lindsay Martin, “ Color Constancy Meets Color Indexing,” unpublished manuscript, October 2000.     [  PS  ]

Kobus Barnard, “Improvements to gamut mapping colour constancy algorithms,” 6th European Conference on Computer Vision, 2000, pp. 390-402.     [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Lindsay Martin, and Brian Funt, “ Colour by correlation in a three dimensional colour space,” 6th European Conference on Computer Vision, 2000, pp. 275-289.     [ PDF ]

Georgina Kwei, Kobus Barnard and Brian Funt, “Spotting Colours,” Proceedings, Colour Image Science 2000, University of Derby, Derby England, April, 2000.


Kobus Barnard, “Practical Colour Constancy,” Phd thesis, Simon Fraser University, School of Computing (1999)     [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, “ Color Constancy with Fluorescent and Surfaces,” Proceedings of the IS&T/SID Seventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, 1999, pp. 257-261.     [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard and Brian Funt, “ Color Constancy with Specular and Non-Specular Surfaces,” Proceedings of the IS&T/SID Seventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, 1999, pp. 114-119.     [ PDF ]

Vlad Cardei, Brian Funt, and Kobus Barnard, “ White Point Estimation for Uncalibrated Images,” Proceedings of the IS&T/SID Seventh Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, 1999, pp. 97-100.

Brian Funt, Vlad Cardei, and Kobus Barnard, “Method of estimation chromaticity of illumination using neural networks,”     United States Patent 5,907,629, Issued May 25, 1999.

Kobus Barnard and Brian Funt, “Investigations into multi-scale retinex,” Colour Imaging: Vision and Technology, pp. 9-17, John Wiley and Sons (1999).     [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard and Brian Funt, “Camera calibration for colour vision research,” SPIE Conference on Electronic Imaging, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV, SPIE Vol. 3644, 1999, pages 576-585.     [ PDF ]


Kobus Barnard, “Modeling Scene Illumination Colour for Computer Vision and Image Reproduction: A survey of computational approaches", SFU PhD depth paper, December 1998

Kobus Barnard and Brian Funt, “Experiments in Sensor Sharpening for Color Constancy,” Proceedings of the IS&T/SID Sixth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, 1998, pp. 43-46.     [ PDF ]

Vlad Cardei, Brian Funt, and Kobus Barnard, “Adaptive Illuminant Estimation Using Neural Networks,” International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 1998.

Brian Funt, Kobus Barnard and Lindsay Martin, “Is colour constancy good enough?,” 5th European Conference on Computer Vision, 1998, pages 445-459.     [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard and Brian Funt, “Investigations into multi-scale retinex,” Colour Imaging in Multimedia '98,  Derby, UK, March 1998, pages 9-17.     [ PDF ]


Kobus Barnard and Brian Funt, “Analyzing and improving multi-scale retinex,” IS&T/SID Fifth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 1997, pp. 221-226.     [ PDF ]

Kobus Barnard, Graham Finlayson, and Brian Funt, “Colour constancy for scenes with varying illumination,” Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 65, 2, pp. 311-321 (1997).     [ PDF ]

Brian V. Funt, Kobus Barnard, Michael Brockington, and Vlad Cardei, “Luminance-based multi-scale Retinex,” AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) Color 97, Kyoto, Japan, May 25-30 (1997).     [ PDF ]

Brian V. Funt, Vlad Cardei and Kobus Barnard, “Neural network color constancy and specularly reflecting surfaces,” AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) Color 97, Kyoto, Japan, May 25-30 (1997).     [ PDF ]

Brian Funt, Vlad Cardei, and Kobus Barnard, “Modeling color constancy with neural networks,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Vision Recognition, Action: Neural Models of Mind and Machine, Boston, MA (1997).     [ PDF ]


Kobus Barnard, Graham Finlayson, and Brian Funt, “Colour constancy for scenes with varying illumination,” 4th European Conference on Computer Vision, Bernard Buxton and Roberto Cipolla, eds., Springer (1996)     [ PDF ]

Brian Funt, Vlad Cardei, and Kobus Barnard, “Learning color constancy,” IS&T/SID Fourth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, November, pp. 58-60 (1996).     [ PDF ]


Kobus Barnard, “Computational colour constancy: taking theory into practice,” MSc thesis, Simon Fraser University, School of Computing (1995)     [ PDF ]

G. D. Finlayson, B. V. Funt, and K. Barnard, “Color constancy under varying Illumination,” 5th International Conference on Computer Vision, pp 720-725 (1995).